Daftar Belanja
    Daftar Belanja Anda Kosong
23 August 2021
By Admin | 23 August 2021 | Resep |

Almond Milk


1. 1 cup of fresh whole Almonesia that has been steeped in the water over night
2. 200 ml of water
3. 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
4. 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
5. 1 tablespoon of green tea powder
6. 100g strawberry (to taste)
7. 100g of dates (to taste)
8. Honey

Cara Memasak

1. Add fresh whole Almonesia that have been steeped overnight into the blender
2. Add water
3. Add honey and vanilla essence to sweet taste
4. Add the desired mixture (chocolate, green tea, strawberry or dates)
5. Blend those ingredients simultaneously
6. After mixing well, strain by using a tofu filter
7. Finally, Almond Milk is ready to serve